Time Well Spent: James Berkeley

 We spent a Sunday afternoon hitting the Manhattan streets with street photographer James Berkeley. Hailing from right outside of Boston, James has been living in New York for two years and already seems like a seasoned local. Focused on getting out as much as he can to help train his eye, James knows the ins and outs of the city and the people within it. A longer episode than normal, but there were too many great street photo tips and funny moments that had to be included. Hope you can enjoy, check out the links below and toss James a follow and show some love if you're not already familiar with him and his work.

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Where are you from and how long have you called New York home?

I grew up in Tewksbury, Massachusetts which is located about 20 minutes North of Boston, MA. I’ve currently been living in New York for 2 years now. 

What's your favorite thing about New York?

The amount of diversity and motion that you can find on a day to day basis really sets New York apart from anywhere else in my opinion. So many things to see, so many different cultures, so many clusters of people, all mixed together in one big city. The possibilities are truly endless. 

How'd you discover and develop your passion for photography?

Back in 2014 I discovered a skillshare class and after watching that I decided it was time to buy a camera and walk the city. Since then I’ve met a ton of people who I consider good friends, traveled a bunch, and seen/experienced a lot of crazy moments. 

What are you currently shooting with?

I am currently shooting with a Lecia M4. 

What other forms of photography interest you outside of shooting street?

I honestly just like carrying my camera everyday with me whenever I leave the house and capturing moments that happen throughout the day. Setting out with no intention is always the most fulfilling in my opinion. 

We spoke about photo books / print photos during our walk a bit; do you have the intention of releasing any tangible work of yours in the near or distant future?

Reaching the point of being able to release a physical body of work to the public is the ultimate goal for myself as a photographer. I have a ton of photographs from over the years but I personally feel like everything's not quite there yet. I don’t know if you ever truly know when the right time is but it is something I am for sure working towards. 

Favorite photo you've taken?

Tough question and not one I can truly answer but I would probably say that my favorite photographs to look at are the ones taken of close friends and family.

What's next for you? In life and with photos?

Just trying to keep getting out there everyday and hitting the pavement. Networking within the community and opening myself up to meeting new people. Hopefully with the right intentions everything will eventually fall into place and I can live solely off of my art. 

Before we let you go - favorite New York restaurant or coffee shop?

As of right now my favorite coffee shop is La Cantine in Bushwick.